1956 Diplomatic |
1962 Philippines / Manilla |
1962 Philippines |
1962 H = Heavy car |
1962 Phillippines / Manilla |
1964 Mabini Centennial U = U-Drive Rental Car |
1965 Christianization's 4th Centennial / B = Bantam Car / Manila |
1966 Diplomatic With slots for 67, 68 and 69 yeartabs |
1966 Passenger |
1971 Manilla |
1972 Manilla |
1972 Manilla |
1974 ADB = Asian Development Bank |
1976 US Embassy |
1980 Philippines PUJ=Public Utility Jeep |
From 1980s Diplomatic / 13 = USA Embassy |
United Nations 50th Anniversary |
I Support Scouting |
Anniversary of Phillippines Membership with ILO |
2000 Santa Rosa, Laguna |
1971 MC |
1973 Support Scouting / Jubilee 1973 Issued to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Philippines scouting. |
1977 25th World Cup and International Golf Championship |
1999 Mandaluyong / Business Permit |
1961 Rizal's Centenary Year |
1969 T = Truck |
2000 Unknown type with small D as seperator. |
1988-1994 Passenger Small "F" seperator means front plate. |
1988-1994 Passenger Small "R" seperator means rear plate. |
From 1994 Passenger |
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