Dear visitor,
Below you will find my favourite plates.If you would like to see more details of a particular plate, please click on the related country at the left.
Afghanistan |
Andorra |
Argentina |
Australia - Victoria |
Australia - Western Australia |
Austria - Burgenland |
Bhutan |
Cambodia |
Canada - Nunavut |
Chili - Isla de Pascua |
Denmark |
Ecuador |
Eritrea |
Greece |
Grenada |
Haiti |
Iraq |
Italy - Red Cross |
Japan |
Katanga |
Kiribati |
Kuwait |
Liechtenstein |
Luxemburg |
Monaco |
Monaco |
Nepal |
Netherlands - pre 1951 |
Netherlands - pre 1951 |
Netherlands / Pre 1951 |
Netherlands / Royal Household |
Netherlands Antilles / Curacao |
New Zealand |
North Korea |
Oman |
Panama |
Panama |
Panama - Canal Zone |
Papua New Guinea |
Philippines |
Qatar |
Romania |
Ryukyu Islands |
San Marino |
Saudi Arabia |
Somaliya |
Spain |
Spanish Sahara |
Sudan |
Suriname |
Switzerland |
Syria |
Trieste |
Tristan da Cunha |
United Nations - In Qatar |
Uruguay |
USA - Forces in Austria |
USA - Forces in Austria |
USA - Forces in Ethiopia |
USA - Forces in Greece |
USA - Forces in Italy |
USA - Forces in Japan |
USA - South Carolina |
Vatican |
Vatican |
Wake Island |
Yemen |